Dumbbell One-Leg Leaning Calf Raise

1. Stand facing a wall with your feet hip-width apart while holding a dumbbell in your left hand.

2. Place your right hand on the wall at roughly chest height and lean your body forward while keeping your torso, hips, and knees all in a straight-line.

3. Bend your right knee and step your left leg backward placing it as far behind you as possible with keeping your heal on the ground and your left foot pointed at the wall. Your left knee, hip and torso should all form a straight line.

4. Lift your right foot off the floor while keeping your right knee-bent at around a 90-degree angle.

5. While maintaining your body position, lift your left heel as high as you can off of the floor so that you end up on the ball of your foot. Slowly lower yourself until your heel touches the floor to complete the rep.

6. Don’t allow your left foot to rotate outwards at any point. Keep it straight and pointed at the wall throughout.

7. Don’t bounce; control the lowering (eccentric) portion of each rep by allowing your heel to touch the floor gently – not to fully rest on the floor – until all reps have been completed. Do all the reps on the same side before switching sides. – Nick Tumminello

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